He received his training from an eminent medical institute JIPMER, Pondicherry which is regarded as an institute of national importance from Government of INDIA.
Dr Sanket was awarded gold medal during his MD training. Dr Sanket Shah has vast interest in research with publications in National and International journals to his name.
Dr Sanket carries a special interest in teaching and is founder of teaching platform MedCAS.
His special interest includes pediatric rheumatology, primary immunodeficiency and treatment of refractory allergic disease.
સામાન્ય નબળાઇ.
2. ત્વચા પર ફોલ્લીઓ અથવા જખમ.
3.વાળ ખરવા.
1.એક કરતાં વધુ સાંધામાં દુખાવો
2.એક કરતા વધુ સાંધામાં સોજો.
3.શરીરની બંને બાજુએ સમાન લક્ષણો (જેમ કે બંને હાથ અથવા બંને ઘૂંટણમાં)
4.વજનમાં ઘટાડો , તાવ, થાક , નબળાઈ.